Welcome to our Plants website

Learn more about the plants that are part of the Coast Salish Hul’q’umi’um’ peoples.

From time immemorial, plants and trees of all kinds have been vital to the lives of hwulmuhw mustimuhw | musteyuhw. This relationship transcends all aspects of survival: food, medicine, clothing, shelter, tools, and technology. In the sacred harvest of these plant relatives, thanks is given to the Creator for what will be taken and used in good faith. So hence, there is a spiritual bond between the plants and the people. Transmission of our Indigenous knowledge around plants and the snuw’uyulh (traditional teachings) surrounding them is a responsibility taken on within families, shared across generations. Much knowledge, including the exact recipes for medicine are held as private, and our native herbalists warn that much caution must be exercised when ingesting plants or applying them to the body.

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