Theresa Thorne from kwa’mutsun shares some information on common horsetail

ni’ ’a’luxutut kwus ’uw’ hwun’a’ ’ul’ m’i tuw’ wil’.
We collect horsetail when it first appears (DL: early spring). 

’uy’ s’ulhtun ’i’ tl’uw’ ’uy’ slhexun’ tthu kwumluhws. 
It’s good food and the roots are a good medicine.

nilh tthu tl’eluqt sxum’xum’ ni’ ’a’luxutut slhexun’.
It’s the long high ones that we collected for medicine. 

’i’ nuw’ mukw’ tthu sxum’xum’ ni’ hakwushut.
We use the whole plant. 

’uy’ ’u tthu’un’s ni’ q’aq’i’ ’u tthun’ tth’ele’.
It is good for your heart.