“Sambucus caerulea” by Wsiegmund, licesened under CC BY 2.5

Hul'q'umi'num' name:

tth’uykwikw – blue elderberry fruit

English Name:

Blue Elderberry

Alternative English Names:

Blue Elder

Scientific Name:

Sambucus cerulea

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Description, Habitat, Ecology, Distribution

Blue elderberry is found on southern Vancouver Island and the adjacent mainland of British Columbia south to California. It is similar to red elderberry, but bears blue fruits covered with a whitish coating. It grows on dry to moist, fairly open, low elevation sites.


CAUTION: This species may be harmful. It produces toxic substances (a poisonous alkaloid and cyanogenic glycoside) in all plant parts. The concentrations are much lower in the flowers and unripe fruits, however, and the ripe fruits are regarded as edible.


Hul'q'umi'num' Name

tth’uykwikw – blue elderberry fruit




Ruby Peter

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