Sortable Index

Sortable table to help you find a plant.

English Name Alternative English Names Hul’q’umi’num’ Name
Bull Kelp q’am’
Red Alder Alder kwulala’ulhp
Arbutus Pacific Madrone, Madrone, Madrona qaanlhp
Aspen Quaking Aspen, Trembling Aspen, Poplar qw’uyi’lushulhp
Balsam Grand Fir, Giant Fir, Pacific Silver Fir, Balsam Tree, Subalpine Fir, Alpine Fir, White Fir, Fir t’a’hw (bark and pitch), t’a’hwulhp (tree), smuqw’iws (pitch)
Trailing Blackberry Pacific Blackberry, Blackberry sqw’iil’muhw
Camas Great Camas, Large Camas, Small Camas, Common Camas, Quamash speenhw, tun’peenhw (time of camas, month of may), tum’pe’un’hw (time of getting camas, month of may)
Carrot Wild Carrot, Queen Anne’s Lace, Garden Carrot shewuq (originally referring to some unidentified native plant)
Cascara q’ey’xulhp
Cattail Broadleaf Cattail, Bulrush, Common Bulrush, Common Cattail stth’equn, slhewun (blanket in ceremonies)
Red Cedar Cedar, Pacific Red Cedar, Western Red Cedar xpey’ (wood and tree), xpey’tsus (cedar bough(s)), xpey’ulhp (tree), sluwi’ (inner bark), p’uli’ (outer bark)
Yellow Cedar Nootka Cypress, Yellow Cypress, Alaska Cypress, Nootka Cedar, Yellow Cedar, Alaska Cedar, Alaska Yellow Cedar pashuluqw
Bitter Cherry Oregon cherry t’ulum’ulhp (tree), t’ulum’ (bark)
Chokecherry tth’uxwun’
Cottonwood Aspen tsuw’nulhp
Cow Parsnip saaqw’ (plant), yaala’ (edible part)
Pacific Crabapple Oregon Crabapple, Crab Apple qwa’upulhp (tree), qwa’up (fruit)
Cranberry Highbush Cranberry (Squashberry, Mooseberry) qwum’tsal’s, mal’sum’
Currant spe’etth’
Cypress qw’si’unlhp
Desert Parsley Indian Consumption Plant, Indian Celery, Barestem Biscuitroot q’uxmin
Devil’s Club qwa’pulhp
Pacific Flowering Dogwood Pacific Dogwood, Western Dogwood, Mountain Dogwood kwi’txulhp
Blue Elderberry Blue Elder tth’uykwikw (fruit)
Red Elderberry Coastal Red Elder tth’iwuq’ (fruit), tth’iwuq’ulhp (shrub)
Bracken Fern Bracken, Eagle Fern suqeen~thuqeen, se’uq (rhizomes)
Licorice Fern tl’usip
Sword Fern Western Swordfern sthxhelum
Bracket Fungus Conk, Shelf Fungus, Tree Fungus, Echo tuw’tuw’uluqup
Wild Ginger Western Wild Ginger, Long-tailed Wild Ginger tth’ul’een
Black Hawthorn mets’unulhp
Hazelnut Beaked Hazelnut, Beaked Hazel p’qw’axw
Western Hemlock Hemlock tth’qinlhp
Honeysuckle Orange Honeysuckle, Western Trumpet Honeysuckle q’it’a’ulhp, q’ut’q’ut’a’
Common Horsetail Field Horsetail, Horsetail Fern xum’xum’
Red Huckleberry sqw’uqwtsus (fruit and shrub)
Juniper Rocky Mountain Juniper, Seaside Juniper p’tth’une’ulhp
Bladderwrack Kelp Rockweed, Bladderwrack, Kelp qw’aqwuqw
Labrador Tea Muskeg Tea, Swamp Tea me’hwulhp
Bigleaf Maple Bigleaf Maple, Oregon Maple, Broadleaf Maple q’umun’ulhp ~ q’umul’ulhp, ts’alhulhp
Vine Maple Douglas Maple, Rocky Mountain Maple pene’ulhp
Stinging Nettle Common Nettle, Nettle tth’uxtth’ux
Oak Garry Oak, Oregon White Oak p’hwulhp
Ocean Spray Ironwood, Oceanspray, Creambush qethulhp
Nodding Onion Lady’s Leek, Onion qw’uxwi’uts
Oregon Grape (Dull) Dwarf Oregon Grape, Cascade Barberry, Cascade Oregon Grape, Short Oregon Grape luluts’ulhp
Oregon Grape (Tall) Holly-Leaved Barberry suni’ulhp
Common Plantain Broadleaf Plantain, Greater Plantain, Frog Leaf Plantain sxu’enhween
Rattlesnake Plantain kw’ulxeen
Raspberry Whitebark Raspberry, Blackcap Raspberry, Blackcaps, Black Raspberries tsulqama’
Rose Baldhip Rose, Dwarf Rose, Nootka Rose, Wild Rose, Peafruit Rose, Swamp Rose qel’q (hip), qel’qulhp (shrub)
Salal t’eqe’ (fruit), t’eqe’ulhp (shrub)
Salmonberry lila’ (fruit), lila’ulhp (shrub)
Saskatoon Berry tushnets ~ shtushnets (fruit), tushnetsulhp (shrub)
Seaweed Laver, Edible Seaweed lhuq’us
Sitka Spruce Spruce ts’qw’ulhp
Skunk Cabbage Swamp Lantern ts’akw’a’
Snowberry Waxberry, Common Snowberry p’i’p’q’i’as (fruit), p’up’q’uyas’ulhp (shrub)
Soapberry sxwesum (fruit), xwesumulhp (shrub)
Hardhack Spirea t’ets’ulhp
Thistle Indian Thistle, Clustered Thistle, Short-styled Thistle) xuw’xuw’iinlhp
Tule Bulrush, Hard Stem Bulrush, Soft Stem Bulrush wool’
Wapato Broadleaf Arrowhead, Potato, Indian Potato sqewth, sqewtheen
Willow Shining Willow, Pacific Willow, Red Willow, or Whiplash Willow sxwelu’elhp
Yarrow tl’uliqw’ulhp
Pacific Yew Yew, Western Yew tuxwa’tsulhp
Chickweed saxwuleen’
Moss q’uts’i’
Douglas Fir Fir ts’sey’, ts’sey’ulhp
Indian Hellebore Indian Poke, False Hellebore, Corn Lily qwunulhp
Common Rush pshey’
Strawberry Coastal Strawberry, Woodland Strawberry, Wild Strawberry sts’i’yu (fruit), st’ilukw’ (snuneymuxw, fruit), sts’i’yu’elhp (plant), st’ilukw’ulhp (snuneymuxw, plant), ts’i’yu (to pick strawberries)
Eelgrass tsulum’
Thimbleberry Redcaps t’uqwum’ (fruit), t’uqwum’ulhp (shrub)
Gooseberry Wild Gooseberry, Gummy Gooseberry t’em’hw (fruit), t’emhw’ulhp (coastal black gooseberry), t’em’hwulhp (shrub), t’em’hwtsus (bush, cane, stick)