Theresa Thorne from kwa’mutsun shares some information on red cedar

Audio transcript:

mukw’ stem ’uw’ shhw’uy’s tthu xpey’.
The cedar is good for everything.

yu’ ha’kwushum tthu syukw’ums yukw’utum 
It’s used for heating fuel. Breaking the cedar down. 

kwun’s hakwush swe’s tthu s’itth’um. 
It’s used for clothes.

’i’ tl’uw’ ’uy’ kwus tthuw’ mukw’ stem swe’s tthu stl’ul’iqulh s’itth’ums.
And it’s used for baby clothes.

mukw’ stem nuw’ hakwushum ’u tthu thqet, tthu sluwi’s.
Lots of things were made from this tree, from it’s bark.

’i’ tl’uw’ thqet thuytum tthu lelum’ ’i’ tthu huxithum, se’lutun 
And this tree is used for making houses and the drums, baskets, 

’i’ tl’uw’ ’uy’ kwus hakwushum tthu kwumluhws, tthu kwumluhws nilh tl’uw’ ’uy’ slhexun’.
And you can also use the roots to make medicine. And the roots were also usable.

mukw’ stem nuw’ shhw’uy’s.
It’s good for everything.