Theresa Thorne from kwa’mutsun shares some information on balsam

’uy’ slhexun’. mukw’ stem nuw’ shhw’uy’s.
It’s good medicine. It’s good for everything. 

nilh tthu t’a’hwtsus ni’ hakwushuhw kw’un’s ni’ xte’um ’u tthu ti ’un’s nuw’ qa’qa’t.
You use the balsam branches to make tea and then you drink it.

’uy’ kw’un’s ni’ xulhuluw’s tthun’ stth’am kw’un’s nuw’ q’a’q’i’ ’ul’.
You drink it when you are in pain, bones, when you are ill.

nilh tl’uw’ ’uy’ ’u tthun’ kw’ul’u kwus suyum kwthun’ kw’ul’u.
It’s also good for your stomach, when you have a stomach ache.