Theresa Thorne from kwa’mutsun shares some information on big leaf maple

big leafed maple

q’umunulhp kws snes tun’a. mukw’ stem ’uw’ shhw’uy’s tl’e’.
It’s name is q’umunulhp. It’s also good for a lot of things. 

ni’ theytum tthu sq’umul ’i’ tthu sul’sul’[tun] ni’ ha’kwushum’ kwus qeluts’.
You make paddles out of it and the spindle whorl is used for spinning 

’i’ tthu ni’ st’i’am’ ’u tthu q’umunulhp q’its’i’. 
And on the big leafed maple is the moss.

’i’ nilh shn’i’s tthu tl’usip kwus m’i ts’isum. 
And it’s the location that the tl’usip licorice fern grows.