Theresa Thorne from kwa’mutsun shares some information on blackberry

trailing blackberry

’uy’ s’ulhtun ’i’ tl’uy’ ’uy’ slhexun’ xt’e ’u kw’un’s ni’ q’a’q’i’ kw’un’s ni’ kw’ul’uthaam.
It’s good food and also good medicine when you are sick, when you have diarrhea.

suyum tthun’ thathun ’i’ ni’ ch tl’uw’ xte’um’ ’ukw’ ti.
If you have sores on your mouth you make a tea.

tl’uw’ ’uy’ tthu sts’a’lha’s.
It’s leaves are good too.

’un’s ni’ q’a’t ’u tthu seyum slhexun’ ’i’ tuw’ hwu q’et’um’stum tthu slhexun’. 
You add it to bitter medicines and it will sweeten it a little.