Theresa Thorne from kwa’mutsun shares some information on blue elderberry

nilh hun’utum’ tth’uykwikw, blue elderberry.
It’s called blue elderberry.

’uy’ slhexun’.
It’s good medicine. 

kwus hwun’a’ ’ul’ tuw’ tum’kw’e’lus ’i’ wulh m’i wil’ tthu sp’eq’ums.
At the beginning of summer is when the flowers start to bloom.

nilh kwu’elh tthu sp’eq’ums nilh ni’ ’a’luxutuhw.
And it’s the flowers that you gather.

tthuw’ mukw’ ni’ ch xte’um’ ’ukw’ ti. 
And you make a tea of it.

’uy’ ni’ ts’uwnaam kw’un’s ni’ q’a’q’i’.
It’s a good aid to you when you are sick.

’uy’ tl’e’ tthu stth’ooms ni’ ch xte’um’ ’ukw’ chem. 
And the berries are used to make jam.