’uy’ s’ulhtun.
It’s good food.
nilh yath ’uw’ ’aluxutum, ni’ lheq’utum tthu situn sisuw’ qw’aqwutum nilh kwu elh shus tthu xut’ustum’ sqw’uqwtsus.
When you gather them, you lay down a basket and beat it with a stick and that’s why it is called sqw’uqwtsus.
’i’ tl’uw’ ’uy’ tthu ’uw’ mukw’ nilh ni’ slhexun’s tthu mustimuhw kwus diabetes.
It’s used for all kinds of medicine by the First Nations people for diabetes.
’i’ ’uw’ mukw’ stem ’uw’ shhw’uy’s tl’e’ ’uw’ ’uy’ kwumluhws swe’s tthu ’un’ qulum’ kw’un’s ni’ …’uwu niis thuthi’ tth’un’ qulum’.
It’s good for everything and the roots are good for treating eye problems.