’uy’ slhexun’ xt’e ’u kw’un’s ni’ q’aq’i’ ’u tthun’ liver.
It’s good medicine for when your liver is sick.
’uy’ tthu ts’alha’s ’un’s nuw’ lhey’xt ’ul’.
The leaves are good to eat.
’i’ ’uy’ s’ulhtuns tthu stth’ooms.
And the berries are also good food.
mukw’ stem ni’ sle’tewut ’u tthu stth’ooms.
You can do a lot of things with the berries.
ni’ ch xte’um’ ’ukw’ chem.
You can make jam with them.
ni’ ch tl’uw ’ ts’uy’hwt.
And you can also dry it.