Theresa Thorne from kwa’mutsun shares some information on strawberry

’uy’ s’ulhtun.
It’s good food.

mukw’ stem nuw’ shhw’uy’s tl’e’.
It’s also good for everything.

stum’kw’e’lus ’i’ wulh m’i wil’.
They appear in the summertime.

nuw’ ’uy’ tthu sts’alha’s tle’ tl’uw’ ’uy’ slhexun’.
The leaves of that plant are good and also good for medicine.

’uy’ slhexun’ xut’e ’u kw’un’s ni’ kw’ul’uthaam ’i’ ni’ ch lhey’ xt ’i’ ni’ ts’uwnaam.
It’s good medicine when you have diarrhea and you eat that and it will help you.