Click on the Hul’q’umi’num’ word to hear the audio.
tree | thqet |
trees | thuthiqut |
forest | hwthuthiqut |
little trees | thul’i’thqut |
branch | sts’ushtutsus |
branches | st’uts’em |
boughs | qwul’utsus |
needles of a tree | tth’ul’ts’ |
needles of a tree (also fish scales) | tth’e’lumutth’ |
cone (pine cone, fir cone) | p’isuts’ |
sap | sxe’muth |
pitch, chewing gum | chumux |
stump | s’ulnuts |
log | qwlhey’ |
logs | qwuqwilhi’ |
firewood, woodpile | syalh |
pieces of firewood | sya’ullh |
stacked (wood) | st’un’al’tsup |
pole, sapling (wood) | tse’lumun |
straight-grained (tree) | s’uyumutth’ ~ s’uy’emutth’ |
General Plants
bushes, underbrush | shishuts’ |
flower | sp’eq’um |
flowers | sp’e’luq’um |
field, garden | shpupunum’ |
grass | saxwul |
leaf | sts’alha’ |
little berries | stth’i’tth’oom’ |
fern or berry sprouts, shoots | the’thqi’ |
root | kwumluhw ~ kwumuluhw |
roots | kwukwimluhw |
little root | kwikwum’luhw |
seed, something planted | spun’um |
uprooted (ex. by the wind) | qw’um |
uproot (pull it out, ex. hair) | qw’umut |
mold | paqw |
moldy | papuqw |
oats | luwen |
peas | tl’ikw’un’ |
moss | q’uts’i’ |
mushrooms | kwumsuli’qw |